Katharine Hill, founder of upNext Learning, will share her key insights into the key elements of building a successful private practice. She will cover:
Business essentials for starting or growing your practice
Child safety and liability considerations
Developing your areas of expertise
Creating and iterating on your practice policies
Communication with prospective and current clients
Transitioning to full-time work in private practice
Kate and UpNext Learning are developing an in-depth course on starting and growing a private practice as a learning specialist, tutor, or educational therapist. The course will include asynchronous and synchronous components and will be a deeper dive into the topics covered in the Tutoring League presentation, including details on policies, business practices, and information for providers interested in transitioning into full-time self-employment in private practice. The course will launch in June or July of 2023, and they anticipate running it several times if interest permits. TLNYC members who attend this preview on 5.15 will receive $100 off of the course (full price is $250).